
Social class in Poland

The list Social class in Poland includes Magnates of Poland and Lithuania, Cotter (farmer), Nomenklatura, Intelligentsia and Szlachta. The list consists of 6 members and 1 sublist.


Country in Central Europe
  • 1.


    Legally privileged noble class in the Kingdom of Poland, and in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
    Overview: The szlachta ( ; Lithuanian: šlėkta; English: Nobility) were the noble estate of the realm in the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Depending on the ...
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  • 2.

    Cotter (farmer)

    Peasant farmer
    Overview: Cotter, cottier, cottar, Kosatter or Kötter is the German or Scots term for a peasant farmer (formerly in the Scottish Highlands for example). Cotters occupied cottages and cultivated small land lots ...
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  • 3.


    High bureaucrats/ruling class in Eastern Bloc countries
    Overview: The nomenklatura (Russian: номенклату́ра, Latin: nomenclatura) were a category of people within the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries who held various key administrative positions in the ...
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  • 4.


    Status class of educated people
    Overview: The intelligentsia is a status class composed of the university-educated people of a society who engage in the complex mental labours by which they critique, shape, and lead in the politics, policies ...
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  • 5.
    Magnates of Poland and Lithuania
    Overview: The magnates of Poland and Lithuania (Polish: magnateria) were an aristocracy of nobility (szlachta) that existed in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and, from the 1569 ...
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  • 6.

    Daniel Czapliński

    Polish noble
    Overview: Daniel Czapliński was a deputy starosta of Chyhyryn and a rotmistrz in the forces of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. He is best known as a personal foe of Bohdan Khmelnytsky with whom he got into a ...
    Occupation: Military
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