I Am Losing Weight (Russian: Я худею, Ya khudeyu) is a 2018 Russian sports comedy film directed by Aleksey Nuzhnyy. The film stars Aleksandra Bortich, Irina Gorbacheva, Yevgeny Kulik and Roman Kurtsyn ...
After a girl becomes chubby, her boyfriend loses interest and breaks up with her. Thanks to her best friend she decides to lose weight, and a new friend ...
Chess Fever (Russian: Шахматная горячка, Shakhmatnaya goryachka) is a 1925 Soviet silent comedy film directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin and Nikolai Shpikovsky [ru]. Chess Fever is a comedy about the ...
Girls Got Game (Russian: Нефутбол, Nefutbol, 'Non-football') is a 2021 Russian sports comedy film directed by Maksim Sveshnikov. It was theatrically released in Russia on September 1, 2021, by Nashe Kino ...
Danya was told from childhood that football is not a woman's business, but she still became the captain of the football team. Here are just her team u ...
The Little Warrior (Russian: Маленький воин, Malenky voin) is a 2021 Russian children's sports film directed by Ilya Ermolov about a boy who is fond of sumo. It was released in Russia on April 26, 2021 ...