
Brătianu family

The list Brătianu family includes Gheorghe I. Brătianu, Vintilă Brătianu, Bebe Brătianu, Dincă Brătianu and Elisa Brătianu. The list consists of 9 members.
  • 1.

    Elisa Brătianu

    Romanian aristocrat and political figure
    Elisa Brătianu
    Overview: Elisa Brătianu (2 May 1870 – 13 May 1957) was a Romanian aristocrat, political figure and participant in the Inter-Allied Women's Conference of 1919. She was born into the Stirbey royal family, the daughter ...
    Date of birth: 2 May 1870
    Date of death: 13 May 1957
    Age: 87 (age at death)
    Nationality: Romanian
    Occupation: Philanthropist
    Gender: Female
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  • 2.

    Gheorghe I. Brătianu

    Romanian politician and historian
    Gheorghe I. Brătianu
    Overview: Gheorghe (George) I. Brătianu (January 28, 1898, Ruginoasa, Iași County – April 23–27, 1953, Sighetu Marmației) was a Romanian politician and historian. A member of the Brătianu family and initially ...
    Date of birth: 3 February 1898
    Date of death: 1953
    Age: 54 (age at death)
    Nationality: Romanian
    Occupation: Historian
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  • 3.

    Vintilă Brătianu

    Romanian politician
    Vintilă Brătianu
    Overview: Vintilă Ion Constantin Brătianu (16 September 1867 – 22 December 1930) was a Romanian politician who served as Prime Minister of Romania between 24 November 1927 and 9 November 1928.
    Date of birth: 1867
    Date of death: 23 December 1930
    Age: 63 (age at death)
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  • 4.

    Dimitrie Brătianu

    Romanian politician
    Dimitrie Brătianu
    Overview: Dimitrie Brătianu (1818–1892) was the Prime Minister of Romania from 22 April to 21 June 1881 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from April 10, 1881 until June 8, 1881. He was the older brother of Ion C ...
    Date of birth: 1818
    Date of death: 1892
    Age: 73 (age at death)
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  • 5.

    Ion C. Brătianu

    Romanian politician
    Ion C. Brătianu
    Overview: Ion Constantin Brătianu (June 2, 1821 – May 16, 1891) was one of the major political figures of 19th-century Romania. He was the son of Dincă Brătianu and the younger brother of Dimitrie, as well as the ...
    Date of birth: 2 June 1821
    Date of death: 16 May 1891
    Age: 69 (age at death)
    Nationality: Romanian
    Occupation: Writer
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  • 6.

    Bebe Brătianu

    Romanian politician (b.1887, d. 195X)
    Bebe Brătianu
    Overview: Constantin Constantin Ion Brătianu (born May 20, 1887 in Bucharest, Romania; died 1955 or January 21, 1956), also known as "Bebe" (this means "Baby") was a liberal Romanian politician.
    Date of birth: 20 May 1887
    Age: 137
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  • 7.
    Dincă Brătianu
    Overview: Constantin Brătianu (born 1768, 1788 or 1795 in Curtea de Argeș; Principality of Wallachia; died February 10, 1844 in Tigveni near Pitești, Wallachia), also known as "Dincă" (from Constandin, a more seldom ...
    Date of birth: 10 February 1844
    Age: 181
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  • 8.

    Dinu Brătianu

    Romanian politician
    Dinu Brătianu
    Overview: Dinu Brătianu (January 13, 1866 – May 20 1950), born Constantin I. C. Brătianu, was a Romanian politician who led the National Liberal Party (PNL) starting in 1934.
    Date of birth: 13 January 1866
    Date of death: 1951
    Age: 84 (age at death)
    Occupation: Politician
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  • 9.

    Ion I. C. Brătianu

    Romanian politician
    Ion I. C. Brătianu
    Overview: Ion I. C. Brătianu (also known as Ionel Brătianu; 20 August 1864 – 24 November 1927) was a Romanian politician, leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister of Romania for five terms, and ...
    Date of birth: 20 August 1864
    Date of death: 24 November 1927
    Age: 63 (age at death)
    Nationality: Romanian
    Occupation: Diplomat
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