Alice Blue Gown is a popular song written by Joseph McCarthy and Harry Tierney. The song, which was inspired by Alice Roosevelt Longworth's signature gown, was first performed by Edith Day in the 1919 ...
"Pride of America: A Military March" is a World War I song written and composed by Peter F. Biehl. In 1915, this song was self-published by Biehl in Cleveland, OH.
"Oh, You Beautiful Doll" is a ragtime love song published in 1911 with words by Seymour Brown and music by Nat D. Ayer. The song was one of the first with a twelve-bar opening.
"Tomtegubben som hade snuva", also known as "En liten tomtegubbe satt en gång", is a Swedish children's song from 1915, written by Felix Körling. The song depicts a little tomte suffering from rhinitis ...
Blame It On The Blues is an American jazz song composed by Charles L. Cooke in 1914. It was written as a piano rag. The song is not a blues song despite its title.
"Give Me the Moonlight, Give Me the Girl" is a popular song written by Albert Von Tilzer with lyrics by Lew Brown. It was published in 1917, and first recorded in September of that year by Samuel Ash ...
The Great Little Army is a British military march that was composed by Kenneth J. Alford in 1916. Alford, whose real name is Frederick Joseph Ricketts, was a bandmaster from the British Army/Royal Marines ...
On the Bay of Biscay is a World War I era song. The song was published in either 1918 or 1919; sources differ on the year. Lyrics and music were written by Harold Robe. The song was published by A.J. Stansy ...
1917 song written by Bert Hanlon and composed by Walter Donaldson
The Army's Full Of Irish (A Man From Erin Never Runs, He's Irish) is a World War I song written by Bert Hanlon and composed by Walter Donaldson. The song was first published in 1917 by Witmark & Sons in ...
"Good-bye Germany" is a World War I song for voice and piano written and composed by James Edwin McConnell and Lincoln McConnell. The song was published in 1918 by Ted Browne Music Co., in Chicago, IL ...
"Give a Little Credit to the Navy" is a World War I song written by Buddy DeSylva & Gus Kahn and composed by Albert Gumble. This song was published in 1918 by Jerome H. Remick & Co., in Detroit, MI.
"It Won't Be Long Before We're Home" is a World War I song in the style of a march. It was written by Paul Cunningham and composed by Joseph E. Howard. This song was published in 1918 by M. Witmark & Sons ...
"Giddy Giddap! Go On! Go On! We're On Our Way to War" is a World War I song written and composed by Jack Frost. This song was published in 1917 by Frank K. Root & Co., in Chicago, Illinois. The sheet music ...
"America's the Word for You and Me" is a World War I song written composed by Jacob J. Tanner Jr. The song was published in 1918 by Jacob J. Tanner Jr., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The sheet music cover ...
"Oh! Frenchy" is a World War I song written by Sam Ehrlich and composed by Con Conrad. It was published in New York, New York by Broadway Music corporation in 1918. The song was in the top 20 charts from ...
The Dream of a Soldier Boy is a World War One song written by Al Dubin and composed by James V. Monaco. It was published in 1917 by Witmark & Sons in New York, NY. The sheet music cover depicts a photo ...
"The Ragtime Soldier Man" is a World War I era song released in 1912 and 1917. Irving Berlin wrote the lyrics and composed the music. The song was published by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, Co. of New York ...