William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773 – April 4, 1841) was an American military officer and politician who served as the ninth president of the United States in 1841. He died of either typhoid, pneumonia, or paratyphoid fever 31 days into his term, becoming the first president to die in office and the shortest-serving U.S. president in history. His death sparked a brief constitutional crisis regarding succession to the presidency, because the Constitution was unclear as to whether Vice President John Tyler should assume the office of president or merely execute the duties of the vacant office. Tyler claimed a constitutional mandate to become the new president and took the presidential oath of office, setting an important precedent for an orderly transfer of the presidency and its full powers when the previous president fails to complete the elected term.
You can find people similar to William Henry Harrison by visiting our lists 19th-century presidents of the United States and United States Army personnel of the War of 1812.
Full name at birth | William Henry Harrison
Claim to fame | ninth President of the United States (1841)
Date of birth | 9 February 1773
Place of birth | Charles City, Virginia Colony
Date of death | 4 April 1841
Age | 68 (age at death)
Place of death | Washington, D.C.
Resting place | Harrison Tomb State Memorial North Bend, Ohio
Occupation | ninth President of the United States (1841)
Occupation category | |||
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Height | height | ||
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Hair color | hair color | ||
Eye color | eye color | ||
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Religion | religion | ||
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Distinctive feature | distinctive feature | ||
Pets | pets |
High school | high school | ||
University | university | ||
Talent agency | talent agency | ||
Political affiliation | political affiliation | ||
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