Watchdog journalism

Watchdog journalism

Journalism that plays an oversight role towards government, industry and society

Watchdog journalism is a form of investigative journalism where the author or the publisher fact-checks and interviews political figures and authorities, thereby verifying the validity of their actions and statements. Watchdog journalism usually takes on a form of beat reporting about specific aspects and issues.

This page is the FamousFix profile for Watchdog journalism. Content on this page is contributed by editors who belong to our editorial community. We welcome your contributions... so please create an account if you would like to collaborate with other editor's in helping to shape this website.

On the Watchdog journalism page you will be able to add and update factual information, post media and connect this topic to other topics on the website. This website does skew towards famous actors, musicians, models and sports stars, however we would like to expand that to include many other interesting topics.

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