Star Trek: Phoenix is a Star Trek fan-created anthology series produced and filmed by Temporal Studios. The series was created by Leo Roberts and later developed by Leo Roberts, Jön Johnson and Star Trek author, Jeff Ayers. The story is set 42 years after Star Trek: Nemesis in the prime universe created by Gene Roddenberry and follows the crew of the Federation's first political flagship, the Ascension-Class starship USS Phoenix (NCX-101138).
Genre | |||
Created by | |||
Developed by | |||
Written by | |||
Directed by | Sam Akina
Gale Benning |
Creative director | Rob E. Welch
Gale Benning Chris Collins-Lubin |
Starring | Ben Andrews
Ben Johnson James Lyle Roy Stanton Elle Vianne Sonnet Nicole Santora S. Joe Downing Vanessa Cobbs Jesse Pattison |
Opening theme | Bradley Laina
Ending theme | Steve Brush
Composer | Bradley Laina
Country of origin | United States
Original language | English
No. of seasons | 1
No. of episodes | 1
Executive producer | |||
Producer | S. Joe Downing
James Lyle Adam Sonnet Elle Sonnet Gale Benning Chris Collins-Lubin Gina Lockhart Rob Welch |
Production location | Seattle, WA
Lynwood, WA |
Cinematography | Sam Graydon
Anthony Tackett |
Editor | Ryan Dunleavy
Jeff McGlinn |
Running time | 30 Minutes
Production company | Temporal Studios
Abundant Productions Sonnet Realm Films |
Distributor | Temporal Studios
Original release | May 2, 2010
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