"DJ Awesome-Sauce" was originally written as "DJ Awesome" but had to be legally changed because there was already another "DJ Awesome."
Director's Cameo is the photo in the final "Wedding Nightmares" news report at the end of the movie.
The cameras were treated as characters and even given names to easily tell them apart, example: "Pensee-Cam".
Charles Beaumont, Judge Milton's competition in his election, was named after the famous horror and science-fiction writer.
The script originally ended as Rosemary and Judge Milton walked out the door. So the set and abundance of extras wouldn't go to waste, the wedding scene that followed was added last minute and completely improvised.
The screenwriters are in the movie, Worm Miller as Neil & Pat Casey as Cooper.
Mike Damus (Robert) improvised the wedding vows he rehearses throughout the movie.
The opening scene at the rehearsal dinner was seven pages and took 90 minutes to shoot with 4 cameras. It was postponed until one of the last days of shooting and due to time constraints, there was just a maximum of two takes per speech. By this point in the production, the actors have gotten to know each other well as they encouraged one other during their speeches.
The cast camera operated about 25% of the movie.
Editor John Thompson and Production Designer Sxully Essex shot 2nd Unit establishing shots around the house. In one of the shots, Sxully's heavy breathing can be heard as the "Steve" character charges up to the exterior door to Yvette's bedroom.