"The Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise" is a comedy sketch that first aired on May 29, 1976, during episode 22 of the first season of the NBC variety show, Saturday Night Live. The twelve-minute sketch was written by Michael O'Donoghue during a month-long process consulting with actor John Belushi. The sketch is a satire of the 1969 cancellation of Star Trek. The set design featured an effective replica of the bridge of the USS Enterprise. Dress rehearsal was difficult, with the writer doubting whether Belushi was able to pull off an effective parody of William Shatner's performance as Captain James Kirk. However, the result was a success, and O'Donoghue immediately congratulated Belushi after his performance and reflected that he had perfectly parodied Shatner as Kirk.
Episode no. | Season 1
Episode 22 |
Directed by | directed by | ||
Written by | Michael O'Donoghue
Story by | story by | ||
Teleplay by | teleplay by | ||
Based on | based on | ||
Narrated by | narrated by | ||
Presented by | presented by | ||
Produced by | Lorne Michaels
Featured music | featured music | ||
Cinematography by | cinematography by | ||
Editing by | editing by | ||
Production code | production code | ||
Original air date | May 29, 1976
Running time | 12 minutes
Awards | awards |
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