Ross O'Carroll-Kelly is a satirical fictional Irish character, a wealthy Dublin 4 rugby union jock created by journalist Paul Howard. The character first appeared in a January 1998 column in the Sunday Tribune newspaper and later transferred to The Irish Times. The series comprises eighteen novels, three plays, a CD, two other books and the newspaper column, as of 2019.
First appearance | Sunday Tribune column, January 1998
Created by |
Gender | Male
Occupation | Student, estate agent, rugby coach, reality TV star, biomedical waste disposal, mobile paper shredder operator
Family | |||
Spouse | Sorcha Eidemar Françoise O'Carroll-Kelly (née Lalor)
Children | Ronan Masters, Honor O'Carroll-Kelly, Brian O'Carroll-Kelly, Jonathan O'Carroll-Kelly, Leo O'Carroll-Kelly
Relatives |
Religion | |||
Nationality | Irish
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