Pokémon: Detective Pikachu

Pokémon: Detective Pikachu

2019 film by Rob Letterman


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  • Detective Pikachu: (when Tim finds him in his apartment) Aw, jeez. Here we go
    (Climbs on a dresser)
    Detective Pikachu: (Slowly) I know you can't understand me, but put down the stapler or I will electrocute you.
    Tim Goodman: (Drops stapler)
  • (first lines)
    Mewtwo: They're outside.
  • Detective Pikachu: All I'm hearing are consonants, and all I'm seeing are nipples.
  • Howard Clifford: The transfer worked. My body is in the chair, but my mind is in Mewtwo.
    Tim Goodman: Howard?
    Howard Clifford: Well done Tim, you and Harry's Pikachu led me straight to Mewtwo.
    Tim Goodman: Mewtwo didn't cause the crash.
    Howard Clifford: All your father had to do was take the money and walk away, But he started asking questions. I had to stop him.
    Tim Goodman: You tried to kill him!
    Howard Clifford: I had no choice! He tracked the R* to the battles, then traced it back to Dr. Laurant, and then he and his Pikachu helped Mewtwo escape!
  • Detective Pikachu: (holds his finger out to Tim) Smell my finger.
    Tim Goodman: I will never smell your finger.
    Detective Pikachu: Coward.
  • Detective Pikachu: I can't help but notice your childhood bed is a Pikachu bed.
    Tim Goodman: It's a coincidence.
    Detective Pikachu: I'm sorry, what? I couldn't hear you. I've never been so flattered and creeped out at the same time. Are you gonna turn me into a lampshade?
    Tim Goodman: I might!
  • Detective Pikachu: Let's do this Pokémon battle thing done right!
  • Detective Pikachu: Maybe she can tell us about the long-term psychological effects of being strapped to a baby seat... next to a bomb!
  • Detective Pikachu: I forgot how to use my powers!
  • Detective Pikachu: Wait a minute. You can understand me?
  • Tim Goodman: I don't need a Pokémon, period,
    Detective Pikachu: Then what about a world-class detective? Because if you wanna find your pops, I'm your best bet. We're gonna do this, you and me.
  • Detective Pikachu: Harry faked his own death... or someone else faked Harry's death... or Harry faked someone else's death. Wait, that last one doesn't work, does it?
  • Detective Pikachu: Oh, that's a twist. That is very twisty.
  • Detective Pikachu: Should I talk about the fact that your childhood bed is a Pikachu bed?
    Tim Goodman: It's a coincidence.
    Detective Pikachu: I've never been so flattered and creeped out at the same time.
  • Detective Pikachu: (singing while sobbing) I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause.
  • Detective Pikachu: (from trailer) They try to talk to me all the time, but all they hear is "Pika-pika!"
    Tim Goodman: (to a person's girlfriend, asking if she can understand Pikachu speaking) You can hear him... right?
    Detective Pikachu: (in his Pokemon voice) Pika-pika!
    Girlfriend: (to Pikachu) Yeah, pika-pika-pika! He's adorable!
    Detective Pikachu: (to the girlfriend) *You're* adorable!
    (pause, knowing that only Tim can understand him)
    Detective Pikachu: They can't understand me, kid.
    Tim Goodman: (exasperated, knowing that no one can understand Pikachu) Can no-one else hear him?
  • Detective Pikachu: Have you ever talked to a woman before?
    Tim Goodman: I've talked to women before!
    Detective Pikachu: When was that, in the the birth canal?
  • Detective Pikachu: Pika pika?
  • Lucy Stevens: Down by the docks. Rough part of town, not the sorta place you wanna visit alone at night.
    Tim Goodman: (trying to impress her) Well, I'm actually pretty good at being alone at night.
  • Detective Pikachu: (to Psyduck, trying to rile him up) I hated rubbing your feet! I can never forgive my hands for what they've done!
  • Detective Pikachu: (from trailer)
    (Tim has a stapler in his hand, and he doesn't know Pikachu can talk)
    Detective Pikachu: Put down the stapler, or *I* will electrocute *you*!
  • Detective Pikachu: At this point, how could you not believe in climate change?
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