Pannonian Rusyn, or simply Rusyn (руски язик (ruski jazik), руска бешеда (ruska bešeda), русински язик (rusinski jazik); or Ruthenian), is an East Slavic language spoken by the Pannonian Rusyns, in north-western Serbia (Bačka region) and eastern Croatia. Before the re-establishment of independent Serbian and Croatian states, in the 1990s, the area was part of the former federation of Yugoslavia. Pannonian Rusyn is one of the official languages of the Serbian Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The Pannonian Rusyns themselves call their language Bačvan'ska ruska bešeda (бачваньска руска бешеда), or Bačvan'ski ruski jazik (бачваньски руски язик), both meaning "the Rusyn language of Bačka". Pannonian Rusyn has also sometimes been known as Yugoslavo-Ruthenian, Vojvodina-Ruthenian or Bačka-Ruthenian.
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