Ok,here is another celebrity who\'s have had a lot more girlfriends/lovers than this site indicates. Come on, one of the most prolific actors ever, and only a dozen or so women on this page? By the way I have always thought his best movies were The man who would be king and Get Carter and Alfie.
That is a good question David. It seems to only trace Michaels career back to Elfie in 1966. I think Zulu was 1964,but one of his most famous films!
What happened to his film Zulu in his credits?
i have only seen you once and that is in goldmeber with austin powers i am writing this because i feel bad that no onw has wrote you any thing i go on this site every day just to dee who is dating who and i was looking at the front of the goldmember case and found your name so then i found all the movies you have been in who you have dated and got married to well i just want to day that i am not a real big fan i just felt bad no one has wroten a comment so here i will
Michael Caine has been an icon in cinema for decades! His role in The Dark Knight trilogy as Alfred is so memorable. Which of his performances do you admire most?