Alexis is a dear friend of mine. We trust and respect each in all aspects of our lives. I look forward to days when I get a chance to see her.
I use music a lot when I am on the set to get myself into the right frame of mind or to get myself to experience a certain emotion. I would never call myself a musician though. I do play guitar, but only when no one is watching.
(On his Gilmore Girls' character, Logan): Logan's not a bad guy. He's just living life, you know, and trying to get Rory to live a little too. So, Rory is doing some bad things because Logan is. Is that such a terrible thing? It's just fun. Plain and simple fun.
(Matt loves tennis and was an NCAA tennis player while in college) I played tennis my whole life. I played throughout high school and college. It was a pretty special way of growing up. I was just never good enough to go pro, but that's just fine by me. I learned a lot about life, about leadership, all kinds of things. I don't miss it. I'm on to different things. I've never had a master plan for my life. I played tennis because I loved it. I act because I love it and everything else just evolves naturally out
To come into (Gilmore Girls) and be a part of that was very surreal and fantastic in the same time... The day-to-day aspects of my life have been the same, but it's the exterior things that have changed. It's things like being recognized or being on the cover of TV Guide. These are kind of large things that you can never prepare for. They just kind of happen. It's a beautiful thing, but life is not all about those things.
(About David Rosenthal) You know David Rosenthal has been incredibly kind and incredibly hard-working as far as the season is concerned. So it’s been really rewarding working with him as far as him taking over and being executive producer. He’s done a great job with the story lines. The way this last part of the season is gonna go is a big transition from the first part of the season that I think fans will really enjoy. And just working with him personally...he’s been incredibly kind to me and supportive and it’s been great.
(On Gilmore Girls): This is a great show and to be a part of it is a huge responsibility and they were amazingly supportive of me coming onto the show. That's really an honor to have had them so supportive from the network to the studio to the creators of the show. It's just pretty amazing and I'm so thankful to be on the show.
(On family life growing up) My brother, Mike, is really a hero to me and it has to do because he would allow my imagination to take over. We'd create these characters and we'd tell each other stories. I was so fortunate to grow up in a family that valued using your imagination and I just never let go of that. (edit)
(On being cast in 'Young Americans') When you first come out to LA, it takes some people believing in you. You need some champions to get the ball rolling. Jason Wood and Steven Antin championed me. They saw something that they wanted to put in the project and that's how that one happened for me. I was fresh off the boat and it really takes somebody to say, "We see something in this guy. We want him to be on our show!" I'm completely grateful for that.