Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke

Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke

Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke were in an on-screen matchup. They were in Game of Thrones (2011) together.
Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke

Onscreen Couple on the seventh and eighth season of "Game of Thrones" played Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen.

Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen first meet in the seventh season of Game of Thrones. They are in need of one another as an ally and slowly begin to work together to achieve their respective goals and in doing so they develop an attraction and at the end of season seven they consummate their feelings, becoming lovers.



Daenerys is visited by the Red Priestess Melisandre, who speculates that Dany might be The Prince That Was Promised. Varys questions Melisandre about her previous service to the ill-fated King Stannis Baratheon. While Daenerys initially does not believe that she could be the Prince, Missandei reassures her that the High Valyrian word for "prince" or "princess" is gender neutral. When pressed, Melisandre tells Daenerys she believes her to be one potential candidate to be the Prince That Was Promised, before identifying the other; Jon Snow, the King in the North, who has united the North and the Wildlings. Tyrion vouches for Jon Snow and convinces Daenerys that he will make a good ally, particularly since the crimes committed by the Lannisters against his family-the wrongful execution of his father, the horrific murder of his brother- gives Jon more than enough reason to want Cersei overthrown. Dany accepts Tyrion's advice, and tells him to extend an invitation for Jon to attend her at Dragonstone – where Jon must "bend the knee."

Jon and Davos arrive at Dragonstone, and are immediately greeted by Tyrion and Missandei. Upon meeting, Tyrion address Jon as the bastard of Winterfell while Jon addressed him as the "dwarf" of Casterly Rock. Jon observes that Tyrion has picked up some scars. Jon also introduces Davos while Tyrion introduces Missandei, who requests that they surrender their weapons. Jon and his entourage hand over their weapons to Daenerys Targaryen's Dothraki guards.

On the walk to the castle, Missandei walks with Davos and tells him that she comes from the island of Naath. Davos remarks that it was a paradise full of palm trees. Jon and Tyrion talk about Sansa Stark's marriage to Tyrion. Tyrion assures Jon that it was a sham and remarks that she is a lot smarter than she lets on, which Jon agrees. Jon confides that his bannermen think he was a fool for coming to Dragonstone and Tyrion admits he would have advised against it, "Stark men don't fare well when they travel south." Jon acknowledges this, but tells Tyrion he is not a Stark. Jon and Davos are startled at the sight of Drogon and Viserion flying low over the causeway and dive to the ground, while an amused Missandei and Tyrion retain their composure. Offering Jon a hand up, Tyrion says he wishes he could tell Jon he'll get used to the dragons – but no one is quite used to them except their mother, who is waiting for Jon within.

Revelation (Audience)

Meanwhile in Winterfell, Bran reveals to Samwell that Jon is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, after which Samwell tells Bran that he discovered Rhaegar had his marriage to Elia Martell annulled before marrying Lyanna. Bran goes into the past and learns from a vision that Jon is the true-born son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and thus the true heir to the Iron Throne ahead of Daenerys.

On the ship sailing North for White Harbor, Jon knocks on the door of Daenerys's cabin. She answers and meets his gaze without words. After a moment, he enters, and, with their eyes still locked, shuts the door. Unaware of the truth of Jon's parentage (the fact that they are biologically aunt and nephew), they finally give in to the mutual attraction between them and make love.


As season 8 begins, a coin toss seems to separate Jon and Daenerys from coming closer together through a marriage alliance, thus deepening their political alliance or, owing to their very different upbringings and personal experiences, being driven apart due to their cultural and psychological differences.

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