Kad Merad

Kad Merad

French actor
Kad Merad

Kad Merad Actor - Born March 27, 1964 in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Birth Name Kaddour Merad

Height 6' (1.83 m)

Mini Bio (1) Kad Merad was born on March 27, 1964 in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria as Kaddour Merad. He is an actor and writer, known for Welcome to the Sticks (2008), The Chorus (2004) and Mais qui a re-tué Pamela Rose? (2012).

Trivia (4)


When joining Oui FM, a Paris radio station, he met Olivier Baroux and founded the comedy duo "Kad et Olivier" with him. They have hosted several radio and television shows.

Is of Algerian descent.

After founding his first rock group at the age of 10, he later worked at a club Med with his own band "Gigolo Brothers".

Has his look-alike puppet in the French show Les Guignols de l'info (1988).

Salary (6)


Safari (2009) 757,500 euros

Le petit Nicolas (2009) 1,000,000 euros

RTT (2009) 1,000,000 euros

Protéger & servir (2010) 800,000 euros

L'immortel (2010) €500,000

L'Italien (2010) €1,000,000

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Kad Merad was born on Friday, 27 March 1964 in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria. His full name at birth was Kaddour Merad. He is best known as an actor. Merad's country of citizenship (nationality) is Algerian. He is 6' (183 cm) tall. Kad Merad is 60 years old and his zodiac star sign is Aries.

You can find people similar to Kad Merad by visiting our lists French male screenwriters and Male screenwriters.

Full name at birth
Kaddour Merad
Claim to fame add_black claim to fame
Date of birth
27 March 1964
Place of birth
Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Actor | Writer | Soundtrack
Occupation category


6' (183 cm)
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Zodiac sign
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Kad Merad is known for his role in the film Supercondriaque (2014) as Dr. Dimitri Zvenka.

He is also known for his role in the film Mais qui a re-tué Pamela Rose? (2012) as screenplay - dialogue.

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