John Connor is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Terminator franchise. Created by writer and director James Cameron, the character is first referred to in the 1984 film The Terminator and first appears in its 1991 sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day (T2) initially portrayed by Michael Edwards (briefly as the older Connor) and then by teenage actor Edward Furlong throughout the remainder of the film; in addition, Linda Hamilton's real-life son Dalton Abbot played John as a toddler in a dream sequence. The character is subsequently portrayed in the films by Nick Stahl in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (T3; 2003), Christian Bale in Terminator Salvation (2009), Jason Clarke in Terminator Genisys (2015). John was portrayed by Thomas Dekker as a teenager and John De Vito as a child in the television series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008–2009) and by Gideon Emery, who voiced the character in a video game based on the fourth film respectively. In Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), Jude Collie serves as a body double for young John Connor, while CGI was applied to recreate Edward Furlong's facial likeness from the 1990s in flashback scenes. Furlong is credited as "John Connor reference". Aaron Kunitz provided the voice of young John. John was voiced by Eric Meyers in the 2019 video game Terminator: Resistance.
First appearance | Terminator 2: Judgment Day
(1991) |
Last appearance | Terminator: Resistance (2019)
Created by | |||
Based on | based on | ||
Adapted by | adapted by | ||
Designed by | designed by | ||
Portrayed by |
Voiced by |
Motion capture | motion capture | ||
Original work | original work | ||
Appears in | appears in |
Full name | full name | ||
Alias | alias | ||
Nickname | nickname | ||
Species | |||
Gender | Male
Title | title | ||
Occupation | Leader of the Resistance
Affiliation | affiliation | ||
Fighting style | fighting style | ||
Weapon | weapon | ||
Family | |||
Spouse | |||
Significant other | significant other | ||
Children | Unborn child (Terminator Salvation)
Sarah Connor (Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle comics) Kyla Connor (Terminator Dreams novel) Daughter (T2 alternate ending) |
Relatives | relatives | ||
Religion | religion | ||
Origin | origin | ||
Nationality |
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