Jennifer Lopez and Bradley Cooper

Jennifer Lopez and Bradley Cooper

Jennifer Lopez is rumored to have hooked up with Bradley Cooper in Sep 2011.
Jennifer Lopez and Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper was seen in Los Angeles Saturday with a woman paparazzi say is Jennifer Lopez and who our exclusive photos reveal to be a woman who sure looks an awful lot like the American Idol judge. A source close to Lopez says the two spent time together on Saturday. Reps for both did not respond for comment. This isn't the first time Lopez, 42 has been seen with the Hangover star, 37. The pair had dinner last month at Per Se in New York City but quickly asserted that the meeting was nothing more than just business – but was it?" After their date in New York, Bradley and Jennifer stayed in touch," says a source close to Lopez. The source also says: "She does like his attention, and it makes her feel good that he seems so into her. She has a fun time with Bradley and he makes her laugh." Adds another source: "She likes him."

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Start date
September 2011
End date
September 2011
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