Jennifer Lynn Connelly (born December 12, 1970) is an American film actress who began her career as a child model. She appeared in magazine, newspaper and television advertising, before she made her debut role in the 1984 crime film Once Upon a Time in America. Connelly continued modeling and acting, starring in films such as the 1986 film Labyrinth and the 1991 films Career Opportunities and The Rocketeer. She gained critical acclaim for her work in the 1998 science fiction film Dark City and for her portrayal of Marion Silver in the 2000 drama Requiem for a Dream.
You can find people similar to Jennifer Connelly by visiting our lists Actresses from Brooklyn and 21st-century American Jews.
Full name at birth | Jennifer Lynn Connelly
Claim to fame | A Beautiful Mind; Labyrinth
Date of birth | 12 December 1970
Place of birth | Cairo, New York
Age | |||
Occupation | Actress
Occupation category | |||
Nationality |
Net worth | $20,000,000 USD
High school | St. Ann`s, Brooklyn Heights, NY (1988)
University |
Talent agency | The Schiff Company, Llc
Political affiliation | political affiliation | ||
Political party | political party |
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