Googley-eyed ... is that what happens when TYou stay on-line too long?? You Get Googly Eyed..
Victoria season two has had an upgrade ... to styrofoam cups for the coffee ... bet Abe Lincoln would've wanted one too.
The Time Lord has a new Companion ... and she's a bit nervous , .. not of him .. of who she replaced
Had to shed a tear for poor Clara....but I am looking forward to see more of Jenna's work in the future. Hate that Ashidr!!
So Jenna has left the Tardis for good off to be Queen Victoria. I am looking forward to see how she departs in this season.
Personall im literally in love with Jenna [Clara] but if i can't be with her i would say matt should defo go out with her.
We\'re both Taurus\'... Born in Yorkshire. Practically sisters. I love her!
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