(13 September 1981 - present) ( 3 children)
F1. Kate Geraldine Scarfe "Katie" Scarfe (17 April 1974) (Actress)
M2. Alexander "Alex" (December 1981) (Artist)
M3. Rory Christopher Scarfe
Jane met Gerald Scarfe in 1971 at a ship board party given by the satirical magazine Private Eye..."I felt something had hit me," Jane recalls, "Something had arrived... We both called each other up the next day."
The two fell in love and their first child Katie was born on 17 April 1974. Two more children were born, both sons: Alexander in December 1981 and Rory in 1984.
Jane and Gerald were eventually married in 1981 and settled in Chelsea.
Relationship Type | |||
Relationship Status | |||
Start date | 1971
End date | end date | ||
Where/How First Met | in 1971 at a ship board party given by the satirical magazine Private Eye...”
His/Her Pickup Line | his/her pickup line | ||
Couple Notable Fact | couple notable fact | ||
Wedding Location | wedding location | ||
Couple Type | |||
Rumoured Relationship | rumoured relationship |
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