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1 comment ~
Philip Laneover a year ago
At the risk of offending Coco fans, I submitted Emilienne above since Balsan knew her before, during and after he knew Chanel. He pursued the older chanteuse openly in front of Coco and made sure that they accepted each other. History accords Chanel the special significance she rightly deserves as Balsans lifelong friend, recipient of his generous support and confidante. But early in life, I believe he pursued Emilienne most ardently. I also think that when Consuelo Vanderbilt died, he grieved at Coco`s side. Remember, Balsan travelled extensively away from his friends Boy Capel and Coco, allowing their relationship to bloom. Great story. Can not wait for American premiere 9/25. Seeya!
At the risk of offending Coco fans, I submitted Emilienne above since Balsan knew her before, during and after he knew Chanel. He pursued the older chanteuse openly in front of Coco and made sure that they accepted each other. History accords Chanel the special significance she rightly deserves as Balsans lifelong friend, recipient of his generous support and confidante. But early in life, I believe he pursued Emilienne most ardently. I also think that when Consuelo Vanderbilt died, he grieved at Coco`s side. Remember, Balsan travelled extensively away from his friends Boy Capel and Coco, allowing their relationship to bloom. Great story. Can not wait for American premiere 9/25. Seeya!