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Claim to fame
her roles as Amy Dorrit in the BBC One period drama miniseries Little Dorrit, Anne Boleyn in the BBC historical drama miniseries Wolf Hall, Queen Elizabeth II in the Netflix historical drama series The ...
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Claim to fame
her roles as Amy Dorrit in the BBC One period drama miniseries Little Dorrit, Anne Boleyn in the BBC historical drama miniseries Wolf Hall, Queen Elizabeth II in the Netflix historical drama series The ...
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In September 2021, Claire won the Creative Arts Emmy Award for “Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series” for her guest appearance in a season 4 episode of the drama series, The Crown.
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After graduating from Drama school, she faced some financial difficulties due to which she had to share a house with five friends and had to hand out a sports magazine at Beckenham Junction in London at ...
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While growing up, she wanted to become a ballet dancer but at the age of 13, she was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis, which put her dancing routines on hold.
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Claire Foy was five months pregnant when she auditioned for the lead role of Queen Elizabeth II in The Crown and she started working just four months after childbirth.
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