Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War

2018 superhero film produced by Marvel Studios
Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Directed by Anthony Russo / Joe Russo

Genres - Action, Adventure | Sub-Genres - Superhero Film | Release Date - May 4, 2018 (USA) | Countries - USA


The Avengers 3 will be split into two epic films, beginning with Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 on May 4, 2018, and concluding in Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 on May 3, 2019.

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Release date
  • April 23, 2018 (2018-04-23) (Dolby Theatre)
  • April 27, 2018 (2018-04-27) (United States)
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Running time
149 minutes
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United States
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Budget add_black budget
Box office add_black box office


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Dr. Stephen Strange: Oh yeah. You're much more of a Thanos.
Thanos: I take it the Maw's dead. This day extracts a heavy toll, still he accomplished his mission.
Dr. Stephen Strange: You may regret that. He brought you face to face with the Master of the Mystic Arts.
Thanos: Where do you think he brought you?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Let me guess, your home?
Thanos: It was, and it was beautiful. Titan was like most planets. When we faced extinction, I offered a solution.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Genocide.
Thanos: They called me a mad man.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Congratulations, you're a prophet.
Thanos: I'm a survivor.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Who wants to murder trillions.
Thanos: With all six stones I can simply snap my fingers and it'll all cease to exist. I call that, mercy.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Then what?
Thanos: I finally rest, and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest will.
Dr. Stephen Strange: I think you'll find our will, equal, to yours.
Thanos: Our?
Tony Stark: (Slams giant boulder into Thanos) Piece of cake Quill.
Peter Quill: Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!
(Battle begins)
  • Stan Lee: The comic book writer who co-created most of the characters featured in this movie is featured here as Peter Parker's school bus driver. In addition, this movie also contains remnants from Stan's past cameos: Tony Stark uses the flip phone that Stan delivered to him in Captain America: Civil War (2016), and Thor still sports the haircut that Stan gave him in Thor: Ragnarok (2017).
  • Of the twenty-four characters visible on the main poster for the film, twelve live and twelve die. This furthers the concept Thanos has within the movie of bringing balance by killing half the universe.
  • Dr. Strange uses three of his signature spells in this film- the crimson bands of Cytorrak, the images of Ikonn, and the shield of the Seraphim.
  • Star-Lord's line, "for the record, this was my plan" was a contribution from Chris Pratt.
  • The filmmakers worked with Director Ryan Coogler and his team from Black Panther (2018) as they had maps drawn of the country of Wakanda. They used these maps to better figure out where to place the battle and the strategy that would come into play.

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