Alessandra Torresani

Alessandra Torresani

American actress (1987)


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  • I was a very special child. I did stand-up comedy. I did it all. My family didn't understand. 'Aren't you tired?' I'm like, 'No.' I'm like an insomniac, I hardly sleep, I'm always on the move.
  • My dad could be beyond brilliant but totally introverted. If we're talking about computers, he's on. Otherwise, he's a total recluse - he stays in the house and won't leave, and I'm like that. If I'm not working, I'm locked up in my room.
  • I was the child who would leave school and take her clothes off the second I got into the house. I made my mom buy me lingerie when I was 5 years old. I was a sicko. My mother must have been mortified.
  • Adam Lambert is one of my best friends. I've known him since he was an understudy in 'Wicked.' Such a doll.
  • I'd love to do a superhero movie, like a remake of Wonder Woman.
  • I want to be the poster girl for engineers and computer nerds.
  • My voice is very special. People either love it or they're like, 'What's wrong with this girl? She looks 16 and sounds like a hooker!'
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