"Treehouse" is an episode of American horror anthology web television series Into the Dark that aired as the sixth episode of the show's first season. It premiered in the United States on March 1, 2019 ...
"Down" is an episode of American horror anthology web television series Into the Dark that aired as the fifth episode of the show's first season. It originally premiered in the United States on February ...
"The Body" is an episode of American horror anthology web television series Into the Dark that aired as the first episode of the show's first season. It originally premiered in the United States on October ...
"Pure" is the twelfth episode and final episode of the first season of Hulu's horror anthology streaming television series Into the Dark. The feature-length episode was directed by Hannah Macpherson, who ...
"Uncanny Annie" is the thirteenth episode and first episode of the second season of Hulu's horror anthology streaming television series Into the Dark. The feature-length episode was directed by Paul Davis ...
"School Spirit" is the eleventh episode of the first season of Hulu's horror anthology streaming television series Into the Dark. The feature-length episode was directed by Mike Gan, who co-wrote the ...
"New Year, New You" is an episode of American horror anthology web television series Into the Dark that aired as the fourth episode of the show's first season. It originally premiered in the United States ...
"Pooka!" is an episode of American horror anthology web television series Into the Dark that aired as the third episode of the show's first season. It originally premiered in the United States on December ...
"Flesh & Blood" is an episode of American horror anthology web television series Into the Dark that aired as the second episode of the show's first season. It originally premiered in the United States ...