Karate Kommandos (also known as Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos) is an American animated television series that originally aired in 1986 as a syndicated five episode mini-series. It was created by and ...
"The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny", often shortened to "The Ultimate Showdown", is a comical song and video released on December 22, 2005. The song was written and performed by Neil Cicierega ...
Chuck Norris: Bring on the Pain is a 2008 mobile game produced by Gameloft, based on the popularity of film actor Chuck Norris developed on the internet with the Chuck Norris facts. The player takes control ...
Chuck Norris Superkicks, is a 1983 video game produced by Xonox where the player takes control of Chuck Norris. It was later sold as Kung Fu Superkicks when the license for the use of the name Chuck Norris ...