
1886 short stories

The list 1886 short stories includes Henry 'J' Jekyll, The Privy Councillor, The Witch (short story), Children (short story) and Vanka (short story). The list consists of 23 members.


Calendar year
  • 1.
    Henry 'J' Jekyll
    Overview: Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is the original title of a novella written by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson that was first published in 1886. The original pronunciation of Jekyll was ...
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  • 2.

    The Privy Councillor

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    The Privy Councillor
    Overview: "The Privy Councillor" (Russian: Тайный советник, Tainyi sovetnik) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 3.

    The Witch (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    The Witch (short story)
    Overview: "The Witch" (Russian: Ведьма, Vedma) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 4.

    The Requiem (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Overview: "The Requiem" (Russian: Панихида, Panikhida) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 5.

    Grisha (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Overview: "Grisha" (Russian: Гриша) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 6.

    Agafya (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Overview: "Agafya" (Russian: Агафья) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 7.

    The Pedlar's Pack

    Fairy tale by Mary De Morgan
    The Pedlar's Pack
    Overview: Published in 1886, "The Pedlar's Pack" is a fairy tale written by Mary de Morgan (1850–1907). The protagonist is a traveller and salesman who meets three animals on his journey to a nearby town; the story ...
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  • 8.

    A White Heron

    Short story by Sarah Orne Jewett
    A White Heron
    Overview: "A White Heron" is a short story by Sarah Orne Jewett. First published by Houghton, Mifflin and Company in 1886, it was soon collected as the title story in Jewett's anthology A White Heron and Other ...
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  • 9.

    An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    Short story by Ambrose Bierce
    Overview: "An Inhabitant of Carcosa" is a short story by American Civil War soldier, wit, and writer Ambrose Bierce. It was first published in the San Francisco Newsletter of December 25, 1886 and was later reprinted ...
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  • 10.
    Overview: "The Three Clever Kings" is a children's fairytale from the anthology The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde that was written by Mary De Morgan. The story was illustrated by Walter Crane, first published ...
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  • 11.

    Children (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Children (short story)
    Overview: "Children" (Russian: Детвора, Detvora) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 12.

    Vanka (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Vanka (short story)
    Overview: "Vanka" (Russian: Ванька) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 13.

    Ivan Matveyich

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Overview: "Ivan Matveyich" (Russian: Иван Матвеич) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 14.

    The Chorus Girl

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Overview: "The Chorus Girl" (Russian: Хористка, Khoristka) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 15.

    Misery (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Misery (short story)
    Overview: "Misery" (Russian: Тоска, Toska) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 16.

    Anyuta (short story)

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Anyuta (short story)
    Overview: "Anyuta" (Russian: Анюта) is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.
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  • 17.

    A Gentleman Friend

    Short story by Anton Chekhov
    Overview: "A Gentleman Friend" (Russian: Знакомый мужчина, Znakomyi muzhchina) is a short story by Anton Chekhov originally published on 20 April (o.s. 3 May) 1886 in Oskolki (Issue No. 18), titled "A Little Bit ...
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  • 18.

    The Wise Princess

    Short story by Mary De Morgan
    The Wise Princess
    Overview: "The Wise Princess” is a British fairy tale about a princess who knows everything, except for true happiness. It was written in the second half of the nineteenth century by Mary de Morgan. The tale first ...
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  • 19.

    How Much Land Does a Man Need?

    1886 Short story by Leo Tolstoy
    How Much Land Does a Man Need?
    Overview: "How Much Land Does a Man Require?" (Russian: Много ли человеку земли нужно?, Mnogo li cheloveku zemli nuzhno?) is an 1886 short story by Leo Tolstoy about a man who, in his lust for land, forfeits everything ...
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  • 20.

    Ved Vejen

    Book by Herman Bang
    Ved Vejen
    Overview: Ved Vejen (meaning By the Wayside or At the Roadside) is a short novel written by the Danish author Herman Bang in 1886. It was originally published in Copenhagen by Det Schubotheske Forlag as part of ...
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